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Pinky Cole | S2, Ep1

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Black Business Icons - Season 2 Trailer

Black Business Icons • 1m 57s
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Up Next in Black Business Icons

  • Pinky Cole | S2, Ep1

    Pinky Cole is a culinary powerhouse and a beacon for entrepreneurship. Her vegan restaurant, Slutty Vegan, has taken the world by storm with its bold flavors, playful branding, and unwavering commitment to plant-based cuisine. More than just a successful business owner, Cole is a philanthropist a...

  • Cathy Hughes, Oprah Winfrey

    Cathy Hughes and Oprah Winfrey made no excuses for achieving great heights; they just did it. After turning around a struggling radio station, Cathy Hughes decided to start her own. She now owns one of the largest media empires in the United States. Oprah Winfrey came from humble beginnings, but ...

  • A.G Gaston & John H Johnson

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